
Bizarro Comics by Joey Cavalieri
Bizarro Comics by Joey Cavalieri

Bizarro Comics by Joey Cavalieri Bizarro Comics by Joey Cavalieri

This isn't a knock on Terra Mosaic which was a wonderful long-form story looking at the entire Legion landscape. Whether it is Mysa's story, the Legionnaires being kidnapped (last issue), Ivy as a potential Legionnaire, Spider Girl and her mysterious object, or Celeste Rockfish's powers, the time was right to concentrate on the characters that are the foundation of the book. Without looking back, I can rattle off several plots which were lingering. Writers Tom & Mary Bierbaum seemed to realize that there were plenty of plot seeds that had been sown during the early parts of the title that needed to come to some sort of resolution. She certainly wasn't alone as the focus of this book seemed to drift away from the main Legion characters to the Subs, rebels, and SW6 Legionnaires during the Dominator war. Legion of Super-Heroes #43 was a spotlight issue for the White Witch, a Legionnaire who had been pushed a bit into the background since the beginning of the mega-arc of Terra Mosaic. Mysa was still recovering from the emotional and physical torture she suffered as a wife of Mordru when she left the Legion to follow this phenomenon.

Bizarro Comics by Joey Cavalieri

Meanwhile, Mysa Nal has been on a vision quest since seeing Amethyst, Princess of the Gemworld in her dreams. Jacques Foccart has rejoined the team and is trying to bring some sense of structure to a team that had barely formed when Terra Mosaic occurred. Keeping the peace between cantankerous, old-fashioned, extremely conservative Bowling and his younger employees is Mel's sister and office manager Millie.Recap: In the aftermath of the destruction of Earth, the older Legion is reorganizing and recruiting. There was gag writer Elliot, a politically active cartoonist whose own work was a Boondocks-style strip, but about 10 times more politically strident than Aaron McGruder's (the final panel of each installment ends with a message like "Fight Racial Profiling!" or "Support the Special Olympics!") penciler Alfred, a wannabe superhero artist with an old-fashioned style inker Nick, a bitter and anti-social misfit who expresses himself through acidic parodies of others' work and Carrie, who makes auotobiographical comics in her spare time. Minor details like writing, drawing and lettering were left up to a team of assistants, each of whom represented a particular type of comics creator and comics personality. Sweatshop was set in the office of newspaper cartoonist Mel Bowling, who had reached the age and level of success where he couldn't care less about the actual strip, which was basically being kept alive by its reputation alone.

Bizarro Comics by Joey Cavalieri